
  • A cowgirl who used to be a forest elf.
  • Black hair, responsible, businesslike, pointed ears.
  • Magically powerful. Knows a lot about plants.
  • Shy about her name, prefers Nikki.
  • Four tiny nipples on each breast instead of one big one.
  • Cunning, quick thinking, and more agile than the others. She may even be faster than the cat.


  • The cat boy goes to "protect" her while she gathers early autumn plants.
  • Nocturne shows the cat a very special plant.
  • A bit spooky, a bit of a prank, ultimately incredibly arousing.
  • Bondage, arousal, and milky breasts.
  • Long, teasing, very descriptive.

- File Length: 34:35 - 32MB

Playlist order:

  1. Any Induction (?)
  2. This file

Your enjoyment of these files will be enhanced by listening to the cat morph introduction at least once.